Hold Music
Game Introduction
Audio from a YouTube video. Credit to the original owner. Also credit to the creator of the Nyan Cat remix that I always forget to credit and then people explode Wow, this got featured?! Of all my projects?! Nah, I don't mind, even if this isn't my best work I hope people will still enjoy this episode. Trivia: -This is one of the only animations I've made that basically just has one sprite... -Lately I've tried to doing for shots with realistic perspective... hopefully it looks alright... -How on earth do you make a thumbnail exciting when the animation is about being on the phone???
How To Play
Like this animation? Follow the official studio to watch all the episodes: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25624068/ 1. Watch this amazingly spectacular motion picture event 2. Listen to actually good sounding music to recover 3. Comment a random trivia fact down in the comments so I can say I learned something today 4. Follow @Step4
Game Information
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