☁ Fall Guys Online Battles

Game Introduction

☁ Fall Guys Online Battles Currently in Version 1.3 By @23ScratchMan My second cloud multiplayer game - The obstacles make this one so, so, so much more fun! Full? No problem! Hopefully these will help! Server 2: (v1.3) https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/424864385/ If these servers are also full, then just click the "Favourite" button and come back to this project some other time! I am currently in no need for more servers! Do not suggest your Server 5! I will not add it! Want to play another amazing game? This XY Scrolling Platformer is my BEST game ever, and trust me, you don't want to miss it. Try Paper Glider! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/404921931/ Wondering how I made those amazing platform designs? Here's a YouTube tutorial for your own games! Try it out, It's surprisingly easy! https://youtu.be/30Eh8OeZc3o Also, if players are going through walls, they aren't hacking. This is happening because the levels aren't synched up exactly! --------------------------------------------------- Update Log is also IN-GAME for a full detailed look at each update! Try looking at it in the main menu! 1.0 - September 7th - Full Release! Please get this Top Loved so many people can play, and race competitively! ❤️ ❤️ 1.1 - September 12th - Tweaked some art 1.2 - September 13th - First MAJOR Update! Added a single player mode! Choose your player and level! This means that New Scratchers and people NOT signed in can also play and enjoy the game! 1.3 - September 15th - A Brand NEW Level has been added! The new addition of the sixth level features ball droppers that can knock you falling away! Try it out in the SIngle player mode! -------------------------------------------------------------- September 13th - My god... my project has actually gotten Top Loved. This hasn't happened in like 6 months or something. IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED October 17th - Wow.... My 4th project to hit 100k views. This one was BY FAR the fastest! 100k in 1 month 10 days! Thank you SO much everybody! Loved and Faved by @ToadfanSchool ------------------------------------------------------------------ This game is based off of the Popular Indie game titled "Fall Guys - Ultimate Knockout" To my surprise, there are no functioning cloud multiplayer Fall Guys themed games! So, I took my previous cloud racing-game engine, and changed and added new things! I'm really liking the outcome, hopefully many people play it :D Just a note, the Fall Guys obstacles are LOCAL, meaning that they may not synch up with the other players. But, this will only happen during the first round. After a singular round, the timers should be the same and all players should be seeing the same obstacles! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions Arrow Keys - Move WASD Keys - Move Space - Dive Hold X - See Usernames of your opponents FIRSTLY - YOU MUST HAVE THE SCRATCHER STATUS TO PLAY, AND MUST BE SIGNED IN After that, click on an available character to set yourself to 1 of the 4 Fall Guys players. If all slots are taken, please wait or come back another time. The slots update every 5 seconds, but I would recommend coming back another time, because people are playing in those slots. When in game, race to the crown to become the winner of the Fall Guys round! Find the fastest route and try not to slow down. Getting whacked by an obstacle will send you flying. YOU CAN USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and go flying forwards! There are some hidden shortcuts I secretly planted in using this method. Some of them are pretty overpowered. After someone reaches the end, everybody's game should end and you will see the winner! Then the next round. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Game made using my previous Cloud Engine, made for Cloud Platforming Racing Games! Check it out here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/396333644/ I drew the trees in the BG using this tutorial: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/153392889/ Fall Guys - Ultimate Knockout HUGE Thanks to Mediatonic for making Fall Guys. This entire game is based off of it. Super entertaining stuff to watch and play! Cloud Help - @griffpatch_tutor and @griffpatch 's YouTube tutorials! Super helpful! Almost all other coding - @23ScratchMan All SFX from Fall Guys All Music from Fall Guys Anything missing here, just let me know! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tags #Fall for playing! ❤️and ⭐! Let's get Top Loved? @23ScratchMan

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