
Game Introduction

All the sprites and music are credited to The Pokémon Company ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The pa and pb in front of the variables refer to which Pokémon they alter. (if you were wondering.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update Notes 1/9/2015 Stats were fixed and female character was added if you input the name "Pearl" or "Dawn" at the beginning. It does not change back to Lucas sprite unless you restart the page, so if you hit the flag after you name her Dawn/Pearl, you can name her whatever you'd like. More to come, stay tuned!

How To Play

UPDATE: Actual level 50 stats replaced the old stats along with the omission of rock tomb. Speed currently isn't set up correctly, but If you have any idea how to fix it, remix and tell me! Thank you! ALSO There is a data reader built in to recognize individual stats for a pokémon. Altering the item on the list makes it simple to change the stats. Moves are not possible this way, but due to actual caclutations going on in the program with the equation the real games use, you can change the stats.




Game Information

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