Broken Cycle
Game Introduction
MUSIC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The game has 5 possible endings. (Not dying of thirst) More about Water Cats: I made a new game where you are a ground Water Cat: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inspired by the water cycle, and of course, Warriors. Also influenced by my wish to live on a cloud. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE LOG 11/8/20: -Shared the game -Glitch fixes -Made it easier to get some of the other endings 11/11/20: Apparently this game is on the trending page! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAGS (Just learned about them) #Games
How To Play
Read all instructions before asking questions Go to the bottom for hints at other endings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learn about the Water Cats as they go through their life cycle! (Aka the water cycle) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BASIC CONTROLS -Arrow keys to move -Down arrow to sit -Touch the edge of the screen to move between areas -Click den entrances to enter dens (Walk to the edge of the screen to exit) -Click on cats to talk -Click the nest at night to sleep (Nest is in the middle on The Cloud) -Touch the pool and click to drink (In The Cloud) -Click yourself to see stats -Click on the Soul Tree (In the Leader area) to see the Cloud section's info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIP: Talk to cats! That's how you form relationships since Water Cats don't eat prey. Also, Puffy's got dirt on almost everyone, listen to his stories. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRAINING: Slash the floating storm clouds in the Border area of the cloud. (Where the cloud starts turning gray) This will increase your strength and health! --Click yourself to see your stats ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MATES: You build relationships by talking to cats. You can get a mate starting day 6. It's tradition that the older mate gives a gift to the younger. (Usually something to help in battle) You are the youngest cat on The Cloud, so you will always be the one receiving the gift. The gift shows up during battle scenes, and you click it to use it. (You can use it 3 times per battle). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAQs Q: Can I remix? A: Yes, but you MUST change/improve it somehow! Or I will hunt you down for kidnapping my brainchild Q: Can you have kits? A: Kitting works differently for Water Cats. Play the game to find out more Q: When does [Blank] happen? A: You go grow up on day 4, you can get a mate starting day 6, and you have your mission on day 10. Finale starts a few days after that. Q: Mate options? A: Dewpelt, Rippleshine, Splashfang, Skyflight, and Thunderlight and Hailspray Q: How to get different endings? A: 1)Try talking to Splashfang more, or not talking to him much. 2) Try letting the Cave Cats keep the kits, or winning the kits from the Cave Cats. 3) Try not training much so that you lose battles, or training enough so that you win.
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