Candy Crush

Game Introduction

How To Play

So recently people are asking why stripped candy doesn't work with candy of the same color. Well, I programmed it to be like that... if i add it the delay would be too long to handle and it causes more problems. However the striped candy still works with the other stripe candies, which can dismiss one whole row plus one whole colomn of candy. ================<Information>================ Welcome guys, to a new game, Candy Crush (scratch remake). This game is based off the original candy crush by King, but I also added a bunch of new features. Hope yoou enjoy the game! I spent over 96 hours working on this project, and this is currently my biggest project with almost 6000 blocks. ================<Instructions>=============== The instructions are just like the original candy crush, but I added a shop :P. If you don't know how to play then go to: Also, see if you can find the easter egg >:D it's in my outro where you can hover over the red sign and then click "yes" to find xD ==================<Credits>================= 1. King for the original candy crush 2. for some assets and music 3. @derpmii for my epic intro, edited a bit by me 4. Me, @0014049, for everything else in this game.




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