Portal by lilgreenland (fixed by 1DS1DS)

Game Introduction

I've replaced the old broken version with: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/672902663 Only problem I see with this one is that the background is blurry, but it's very playable and fun. thanks 1DS1DS It works here if you can figure out how to enable flash. https://s2online.github.io/#269145301 graphics and code by lilgreenland sounds are from portal 1 and 2 by valve software If you like this game try portal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal_(video_game) Thanks to TheLogFather for his helpful studios. 6.14 - some new graphics (ramps, ...) 6.10 - turret bug fixes 6.08 - bugs, map changes, cube sounds 6.04 - bug fixes, added easter egg 6.01 - added turret pick up 5.99 - improved knocking over turret physics 5.98 - turrets can now fire when off screen improved bullet physics 5.96 - cosmetic map changes 5.95 - mouse click can now alternate portals in addition to E,Q 5.94 - mouse look by default, toggle with F 5.90 - new map 13

How To Play

2-D side scrolling puzzler 17 levels Instructions are also in game, move = WASD F = mouse look off/on portals = mouse or Q,E (once you find the portal gun) P = pause M = music off/on R = rain on/off H = physics engine L = level select




Game Information

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Collection Count

5.5k favorites