Rope Physics v3.6.6

Game Introduction

~~Rope Physics~~ v3.6.6 Curated 12/16/20 by @-Firesnake- Thank you! ----------INSTRUCTIONS---------- VARIABLES: SegmentCount - Number of nodes on the rope SegmentLength - Distance between nodes Stiffness - How hard it tries to hold nodes together airResistence - Friction from surrounding material GravityForce - How hard gravity pulls on the nodes Mode: Changes current mode \/ MODES: 1 - Move the mouse to drag the top of the rope. 2 - Drag parts of the rope by clicking and dragging. 3 - Move the mouse to move a circle collider. 4 - Move the mouse to move a square collider. View with less lag (Recommended by @lil_doggy) Overview: Using verlet integration, I was able to make a much more realistic rope than other ropes you see on scratch. Ropes can be used in many projects ranging from platformers to animations. Feel free to use this rope in your project with credit. Project using this rope engine: If you think this is cool, please leave a like and check out some of my other stuff: This physics engine was inspired and created from a c# youtube tutorial by Jasoni. (The link has since been made private) I transcribed it for use on Scratch. Release Notes: Last Updated: 12/16/20 Rope Physics - v3.6.5 (Drag Setting + fps tenths) —Simulator 4.0.2 (reduced lag from unneeded lists) —Constraints - v1.3.5 (box collider creation) ——Drag Mode v1.1.0 (beta) ——Circle Collider v1.1.0 ——Box Collider v 1.2.2 (beta) Tags: #Rope

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