PolyRhythm (Rhythm Game)

Game Introduction

https://turbowarp.org/456999999?hqpen&fps=120 ^ 4x Refresh Rate (No score submission) ^ https://subfluid.github.io/ ^ View Recent (Scratcher) Plays (No longer works) ^ —————————— Credits: - osu! / osu!mania + various rhythm games. - All artists listed. - All users who have charted the aforementioned songs in osu! #osu BEMANI ST - TWO-TORIAL|⭐2.27 [SV⏩] 2] BEMANI ST - TWO-TORIAL|⭐2.85 [SV⏩] 3] BEMANI ST - TWO-TORIAL|⭐4.48 [SV⏩] 4] BEMANI ST- TWO-TORIAL|⭐4.75 [SV⏩] 5] Camellia - Towards the Horizon |⭐1.58 6] Camellia - Towards the Horizon |⭐2.44 7] Camellia - Towards the Horizon |⭐3.09 8] Camellia - Towards the Horizon |⭐4.36 [LN] 9] Sun3 - Perfect Cherry Storm |⭐1.42 10] Sun3 - Perfect Cherry Storm |⭐2.21 11] Sun3 - Perfect Cherry Storm |⭐3.58 12] Sun3 - Perfect Cherry Storm |⭐4.72 13] Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere |⭐1.5 14] Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere |⭐2.09 15] Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere |⭐2.93 16] Camellia - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere |⭐3.7 17] Camellia - Exit This Earth's Ato ... |⭐4.63 [SV⏩] 18] Camellia - Exit This Earth's ... |⭐5.29 [LN, SV⏩] 19] OISHII - Onigiri Freeway |⭐1.99 20] OISHII - Onigiri Freeway |⭐2.81 21] OISHII - Onigiri Freeway |⭐3.6 22] OISHII - Onigiri Freeway |⭐4.5 23] OISHII - Onigiri Freeway |⭐5.14 24] OISHII - Onigiri Freeway |⭐5.2 [LN] 25] antiPLUR - Runengon |⭐1.26 26] antiPLUR - Runengon |⭐2.41 27] antiPLUR - Runengon |⭐3.58 28] antiPLUR - Runengon |⭐4.37 29] Soleily - Renatus |⭐1.42 30] Soleily - Renatus |⭐2.14 31] Soleily - Renatus |⭐3.18 32] Soleily - Renatus |⭐4.51 33] Umeboshi Chazuke - Panic! Pop'n! Picnic! |⭐1.42 34] Umeboshi Chazuke - Panic! Pop'n! Picnic! |⭐2.21 35] Umeboshi Chazuke - Panic! Pop'n! Picnic! |⭐3.03 36] Umeboshi Chazuke - Panic! Pop'n! Picnic! |⭐4.23 37] Umeboshi Chazuke - Panic! Pop'n! Picnic! |⭐5.14 38] Tachinky - Energy Synergy Matrix |⭐1.91 39] Tachinky - Energy Synergy Matrix |⭐2.96 40] Tachinky - Energy Synergy Matrix |⭐3.82 41] Tachinky - Energy Synergy Matrix |⭐4.27 [SV⏩] 42] Camellia - d:for the DELTA |⭐1.55 43] Camellia - d:for the DELTA |⭐2.11 44] Camellia - d:for the DELTA |⭐3.72 45] Camellia - d:for the DELTA |⭐4.21 46] Camellia - d:for the DELTA |⭐4.71 47] Morimori Atsushi - PUPA |⭐1.49 48] Morimori Atsushi - PUPA |⭐1.99 49] Morimori Atsushi - PUPA |⭐3.09 50] Morimori Atsushi - PUPA |⭐4.36 51] Morimori Atsushi - PUPA |⭐4.9 [SV⏩] 52] S-C-U - Ambitious |⭐1.4 53] S-C-U - Ambitious |⭐2.17 54] S-C-U - Ambitious |⭐3.2 55] S-C-U - Ambitious |⭐4.1 56] Waterflame - Glorious Morning |⭐1.44 57] Waterflame - Glorious Morning |⭐2.05 58] Waterflame - Glorious Morning |⭐2.92 59] Waterflame - Glorious Morning |⭐3.47 60] Camellia - GHOST |⭐1.99 61] Camellia - GHOST |⭐3.02 62] Camellia - GHOST |⭐4.02 [SV⏩] 63] Camellia - GHOST |⭐5.03 [SV⏩] 64] Camellia - GHOST |⭐5.17 65] Camellia - GHOST |⭐6.02 [SV⏩] 66] REDALiCE & aran - Sweet Requiem |⭐1.46 67] REDALiCE & aran - Sweet Requiem |⭐2.33 68] REDALiCE & aran - Sweet Requiem |⭐3.09 69] REDALiCE & aran - Sweet Requ... |⭐4.35 [SV⏩] 70] Umeboshi Chazuke - Bison Charge |⭐1.49 71] Umeboshi Chazuke - Bison Charge |⭐2.15 72] Umeboshi Chazuke - Bison Charge |⭐3.11 73] Umeboshi Chazuke - Bison Charge |⭐3.51 74] Umeboshi Chazuke - Bison Charge |⭐4.1 75] Umeboshi Chazuke - Bison Charge |⭐4.89 76] Umeboshi Chazuke - Bison Charge |⭐5.79 77] Chroma - Dark Sheep |⭐2.33 78] Chroma - Dark Sheep |⭐3.21 79] Chroma - Dark Sheep |⭐3.9 80] Chroma - Dark Sheep |⭐4.54 81] Chroma - Dark Sheep |⭐5.34 82] Chroma - Dark Sheep |⭐6.39 83] Frums - We Want To Run |⭐1.25 84] Frums - We Want To Run |⭐2.16 85] Frums - We Want To Run |⭐3.2 86] Frums - We Want To Run |⭐3.77 87] Frums - We Want To Run |⭐4.89 88] Frums - We Want To Run |⭐5.37 89] O2i3 - Heart Function |⭐1.55 90] O2i3 - Heart Function |⭐1.99 91] O2i3 - Heart Function |⭐3.09 92] O2i3 - Heart Function |⭐4.05 93] ZUN - Bad Apple!! (REDALiCE) |⭐1.33 94] ZUN - Bad Apple!! (REDALiCE) |⭐1.85 95] ZUN- Bad Apple!! (REDALiCE) |⭐2.72 96] ZUN - Bad Apple!! (REDALiCE) |⭐3.15 97] ZUN - Bad Apple!! (REDALiCE) |⭐3.89 98] ZUN - Bad Apple!! (REDALiCE) |⭐4.3 [SV⏩] 99] Anthony Donato - The Scales of Struggle |⭐2.39 100] Anthony Donato - The Scales of Struggle |⭐3.46 101] Anthony Donato - The Scales of Struggle |⭐4.61 102] Anthony Donato - The Scales of Struggle |⭐5.01 103] Anthony Donato - The Scales of Struggle |⭐6.21 104] LeaF - I |⭐1.41 105] LeaF - I |⭐2.21 106] LeaF - I |⭐3.23 [SV⏩] 107] LeaF - I |⭐4.15 [SV⏩] 108] LeaF - I |⭐4.94 [SV⏩] 109] LeaF - I |⭐5.92 [SV⏩] —————————— Note: Mechanics subject to change at any time. Some audio files are further compressed to cut off unnecessary space

How To Play

Guide: Choose a level from the prompt (Data provided below). The star rating [⭐] is a rough depiction of a level's difficulty; [LN] is shorthand for "long notes"; [SV⏩] refers to "speed variance", where scrolling speed is variable. Note speed = "msLerpTime." Default binds for the game are D F J K. Using two hands is advised. If you know how to play osu!mania or any other VSRG, you know how to play this game.




Game Information

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1.6k favorites