Rune Loader [with level editor]
Game Introduction
The scratch coding, sprites and levels design by me. But all credit really goes to Douglas E. Smith for the original game. Change log: v1.1 - Added [N] key to move to next level. Bug tracker: - Edited levels are lost after they are played.
How To Play
This is my humble remake of a very popular game from the mid-eighties... There are still many things that are not right, but I need to share it now (or I will never do it). You run through a maze of ladders and ropes, trying to evade your pursuers, while collecting golden runes. But you've got a weapon! You can dig holes in the bricks. Discover how you can use it to your advantage as you play. One useful tip to point out: when an enemy is stuck in such a hole, you can step over them without falling through. * Game mode controls: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] - move the character around. You cannot jump, but you can fall. Note that priority is given to vertical moves. [A], [D] - fire your weapon in left or right directions, respectively. [K] - kill your character (when you are trapped with no way out). [N] - takes you to the next level (if you've had enough of the current level, but beware the levels get more difficult...) The *Lives* counter shows the number of lives you have used so far, not the number of remaining lives. * Edit mode ([E] to enter): [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Mouse wheel] - changes the selected block. [0] - select the eraser. [1] - select the golden rune block. [2] - select the rope block. [3] - select the ladder block. [4] - select the brick block. [5] - select the steel block. [6] - select the player's starting position block (only one player can be set). [7] - select the enemy's starting position block (up to three enemies can be specified). [Click] - place the selected block. [G] - return to Game mode (you must have specified the player starting position). [L] - load a level from text. [S] - save the current level as text. (You will need to use the small view, in "See inside" mode, to be able to copy the *full value* of the displayed list entry.) If you design interesting levels, share them in the comments. (Use the <<save as text>> feature and paste the produced text.)
Game Information
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