Appel Hacked v1.5

Game Introduction

credit to griffpatch for the original project. i remixed it and made it so you cant lose! :D so explore the levels with no worries 50+ different bosses to fight! (click link)

How To Play

Credits to the @griffpatch +This is a REMIX+ @griffpatch made this project Credit to @griffpatch VERSION 1.5 Made it so you can CLICK to see farther and instead of jumping on squishable enemies you can walk into them to blow them up ----------------------------IMPORTANT--------------- ★★★ CONTROLS ★★★ INFINITE MENU SCROLLING ADDED FLASH SPEED ----z o o m---- • SPACE TO SUPER JUMP :D • Arrow Keys or WASD to run, jump & crouch • Wall Jump - by touching a wall and pressing 'up' • Jump Higher - by holding up for longer • Stick to the ceiling - by holding up - But be careful, you can't move sideways when 'stuck' to a surface • Crouch by holding down (you can crouch on the floor, but also the walls and ceiling!) Added a 10th level with the boss in it just to see what would happen.




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