D-D-D-D-DROP THE BASE!!!!!!!!!! + RED!!!

Game Introduction

2-6-15 Thanks!!! Red is my favorite color!!! 10-25-16 After a year I realised Base was spelled wrong!!!!!!LOLOLOL IT SAID BASS!!! 12-11-17 I just Realized Beside the Gumball Version this is the Most Remixed, I'm Happy for Everyone Trying Though This Took 2 Years to see Thanks to YoloJoMo for making me come back to this to see This Like I should be working on that Christmas Present for the Secret Santa or the Blockshade Contest, but no I'm here WASTING TIME

How To Play

1. press flag. 2. favorite. 3. love. 4. follow @DLS32 5. follow @TheAnimatedShow 6. Drop the bass. 7. Get crazy like my stickman did at the end.




Game Information

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47 favorites