Paper Minecraft: Updated (w/ Netherite, Elytra, Golden Apples, and more)
Game Introduction
Thanks to griffpatch for the original. Music from @WildernessCoder's Paper Minecraft Updated: and from @JTinaco 's Minecraft Music!!: Thanks to @ExperimenterPizza for the scrolling detection: Thanks to @EiscoolE 's Paper Minecraft data mod for inspiration for the debug screen: Comment things that you want me to add. Things Added: Magic Crystal(same as last time) - Crafted with 4 redstone, 4 iron ingots, and a emerald Can be used to duplicate diamond tools and armor by crafting Has other random traits(Try using it in a furnace). Mutton Endermen drop emeralds and grass blocks Pumpkin Pie Leather Armor Recipes - Recipe for snow block and snow layer Pumpkin + bonemeal = 2 pumpkins 4 string = 1 cobweb Mushrooms can be crafted with mushroom blocks Flower + bonemeal = 3 flowers NETHERITE INGOT RECIPE: (blank) Gold ingot, Gold ingot Gold ingot, Gold ingot, Netherite scrap Netherite scrap, Netherite scrap, Netherite scrap Ancient debris, netherite scrap, and netherite ingots Netherite Armour Netherite Tools(weird in creative inventory) Diorite, Andesite, Granite Nether bricks Quartz Blackstone Jungle Biome More Stairs Glow Crystal - Crafted with 1 quartz and 1 glowstone dust Lantern Crystal - Crafted with 4 Glow Crystals Paper, books, and bookshelves Extra little pools of lava now generate Blue Flower Dyes - red, yellow, and blue are crafted with flowers. orange, green, and purple can be crafted with other dyes. brown is crafted with red, blue, and yellow. Black is crafted with purple, green, and orange. Bonemeal is white dye. Concrete - crafted with dye in the center, gravel on the top and middle left, sand on the bottom and middle right Polished Blackstone and Blackstone Bricks. Quartz Pillars. Totems of undying(put in the last hotbar slot(furthest right) to work)- Crafted with a redstone dust in the center, emeralds in the top corners, the bottom corners empty, and gold in the remaining spots. Gold nugget Nether Gold Ore Golden Apple Enchanted Apple(Crafted with a magic crystal surrounded by golden apples) Stripped logs: Crafted with an iron axe(ONLY iron ones work) and a log. Cracked Stone bricks, Chiseled Stone bricks, and Smooth Stone Lapis Lazuli and Lapis Lazuli Blocks Melons(Can be duplicated by crafting with a bonemeal) Birch Forest Extreme Jungle New apple bushes in the Jungle. Speed Bread- Makes you go faster when you eat it Crafted with a lapis lazuli in the center, sugar in the corners, and bread everywhere else You can sprint with the r key Upgraded Magic Crystal: Basically a magic crystal, but it works for netherite stuff. Crafted with a magic crystal in the center, soul sand in the corners, lapis lazuli blocks in the top and bottom middle, and the sea lantern looking block in the other two slots Hay bales Elytra - While wearing an elytra, if you click while holding rockets, you can fly for 7.5 seconds. Wing: Crafted with an upgraded magic crystal in the center, leather above it and to the left of it, leather in the bottom left, and string in the top left. ELYTRA RECIPE: Magic crystal in the center, wings to the left and right of it, diamonds above and below it, and netherite scrap in the four corners. Stained Glass Improved Debug screen, press 'i' while holding 'u' to open. You can scroll through the hotbar. Things planned: Flower forest Updated textures. 1.17 copper + new ore textures??? Stained Glass Shears Stews Died wool Shields More wood doors/trapdoors lanterns/chains Teleport command Magma blocks
How To Play
Paper Minecraft Mods Studio: Crafting Guide: I'm not going to be able to add anything else to this project or finish with shields, I'm sorry. It isn't saving it anymore :/ And I do realize I could just have used the existing shield texture for steve's arm. List of things added in the Notes and Credits How to share your world with other scratchers: I will make a crafting guide project soon... How to add stuff: [1 to 9] - Select Item [Click] - Place or Mine [WASD] - Move / Jump [E] - Open/Close Inventory [E+hover] - Open / Close Chest, Crafting Table, Door [Space] - Drop single tile from a stack while dragging. [F] - Eat food [N] - Label a sign or chest [Q] - Drop item [P] - Pause / Unpause [T] - Talk / Command [O] - Save your game [M] - Sounds [Shift] - Sprint To turn off/on music, use the command /music Oh wow. This is my most popular project. 14 favorites and likes, and 331 views!!!! I could've added lapis lazuli and used that as the source of blue dye. Oh well. So, I accidentally messed up the costumes of all of the tiles, so I unshared it. I fixed it, so it is back!
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