MidNight - Platformer {Mobile Exclusive}

Game Introduction

EN: Credits: @Metehanse (It helped a lot with the codes.) @4a0012 (It helped a lot with the codes.) @--AwesomeCode-- (It helped a lot with the codes.) @345969 (for heart and star sprite) And of course @KAPAN-1010_ XD

How To Play

Second Part: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/474366006 2. Bölüm: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/474366006 TREND: ✅Welcome to My First Platform Game MidNight platform game. ✅There will be a project series. ✅Updates will come in future series. ✅Some places have hidden thorns. It is important that you pass calmly and carefully :D ⭐ Mobil Exclusive ⛔ = ADS TR: ✅İlk Platform Oyunum olan MidNight(GeceYarısı) Platformer oyunuma Hoşgeldiniz. ✅Projenin serileri olacaktır. ✅Gelecek serilerde güncellemeler gelecektir. ✅Dikkat edin bazı yerlerde gizli kazıklar var sakince ve dikkatlice geçmenizi öneririm :D ⭐ Oyun Mobil Ayrıcalıklıdır. ⛔ = Reklam




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