make wind

Game Introduction

Please don’t advertise! Second result that comes up when you search wind :D my 3D platformer which I need feedback on: Shoutout: @-Xaf- for the music. (nebula) the wind (the real life actual) wind for inspiration @-NightBreeze- for the pixel tree art @BarracudaTheDragon for suggesting that the snow should accumulate on the ground. please love + fave and follow! It'd really make my day :D featured 12/4/2020 ! for all underrated srcatchers out there: add you projects links in the comments of this studio: staaahpp go back up if you reached this level, you are too smart to be fooled. trolled xDDDD

How To Play

HUGE THANKS TO @cs113728 For proposing this to be featured! Hello! Welcome to my latest project! This is a project simulating wind! You hold the mouse down to make wind! Simple. right? But wait. there's more! There are objects too! These objects can get blown away by your wind!! Press 'a' to spawn a new object, and 'space' to change the wind! (You can also blow clouds! lol [it was just something extra I added]) Plus, you can drag objects, and drop them xD. Also press the left and right arrow keys while holding the mouse down to set wind direction. the default is right. 'd' to clear. @EmilyRoseAK for suggesting that. Sorry if the clouds glitch! Objects will spawn at the mouse pointer. Also, since many people wanted it, I made it so that you can blow the sun and moon!!! Now, you can also blow weather! ( @pokeshah for the idea) Features: -blowable clouds -blowable objects -wind (duh) -simple controls - 4 different objects! -weather (blowable!) -blowable sun + moon >:D - day + night cycle (moving sun and moon!) - physics -slope detection




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