l Ducks - A Parallax l

Game Introduction

l Ducks - A Parallax l For those of you who don't know what a parallax IS, it's just moving art. What is wrong with you people? Don't advertise! All ads will be deleted and/or reported. So don't even try. For this parallax, I was really going for the calming color scheme. So what I did, was I toned down all the colors in the art piece, to get this awesome color scheme. I hope you like it, and if you don't, whatever. And credit to the song, Blue Boi - Lakey inspired. Hey, Look! I was on the front page... Thank you so much, @Swimming_Squirrel for curating this project! #DescriptionReaders Comment, "Pretty Duckies" Alright, now I'm just stalling... Bai.

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