Game Introduction
credits: ------------------------------------------------------------ outro song is hello but piano @-ElidekkAnimations- for the new and improved outro (go follow them) if this is a remix then credit goes to @Bubbles_Official cooltext animation by me sound effects by fesliyanstudios art by me google images for references and you for watching and yeah ---------------------------------------------------- Notes: no notes today #all
How To Play
welcome ----------------------------------------------------- first thing i want to say is... i know this one is quite short, you don't need to comment it because it's obvious.. and i get the hint that you all want longer animations.. that i take as a compliment because you like my work so much and you want to watch my projects for longer.. so .. i think that soon.. i will try to improve.. like i did with the lip sync, i am going to take your feedback and try and slowly make my animations longer.. bye for now.. you can enjoy this new short animation :) --------------------------------------------------------------------- idk why, but i really like this animation.. and i hope you do too --------------------------------------------------------------------- is YOUR comment advertising?! check it here: 1. it has a link 2. telling you to see another project or profile 3. says it's not adverting if you got even 1 of these.... you are probably advertising so... don't do it --------------------------------------------------------------------- also.. today i have rewarded you all with TWO backdrops -------------------------------------------------------------------- this animation took so much trial and error XD -------------------------------------------------------------------- I am waiting for the comments about the water bottle.. Comment: How do I type a comment? Or reply: How do I type a reply?
Game Information
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3.6k favorites