Touchdown Bomb v3.4 Pro bowl edition

Game Introduction

I added a few stuff that made the game more fun. I made the QB move as fast as they are supposed to be. QB colors: green=Mike Vick SPD rating 5 "try to run with mike" I say. Blue= Ej Manuel SPD rating 4 "great speed means great runs!" I say. Black= Aaron rodgers sorry for color! SPD rating 3.5 "great throwing power but not quite good rushing" I say. Best QB in the game is mike vick. Call yourself lucky if you get him. also I added 2 plays!1. a fake hail mary that you're supposed to pass it to the double slant fade guy or to make it easy the 2nd wr the left slot wr.2. random appearing slot post right slot wr goes on a post route. BOTH HARD PLAYZ (this is a lot of typing. LOL)

How To Play

Use arrow keys or WASD to control QB (blue with white stripe) press space to hike ball. Click to throw, or run the ball down the field. C key to change uniforms Make a remix using your favorite NFL or College team and have them play their rival! 1000 views and in featured studio (neat scripting) Yayoh!




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