FNF - (Vs Annie [Atsuover])

Game Introduction

--------------------------------FAQ----------------------------------- What is T H E⠀L I Q U I D? - all we know is that the liqud is carbonated its not water or soda Why does she get so tall in the 4th song? - She drank T H E⠀L I Q U I D --------------------------------credit---------------------------------- Thanks to ninjamuffin for the ORIGINAL game Thanks to Atsuover for the annie mod The original scratch project creator: @cabalex -------------------------------notes----------------------------------- pls no advertiseing - Please dont complain about it taking soo long to load it has over 500 assets - for less lag: https://turbowarp.org/542068625?fps=60 ---------------------------change log------------------------------- 6/8/2021 -initial relese date uuuu - back ---------------------------------tags---------------------------------- #fnf

How To Play

FULL SCREEN RECOMENDED T H E ⠀ L I Q U I D ------------------------CURRENT VERSION-------------------- Cabalex ver: 14 Frost ver: 2021.6.8 - song previews - added 2 new input modes: bot, and spam (no miss on click thus can spam) - when not using cabalex inputs cant use cloud variables - downscroll in options - custom keybinds in options - tells if you can connect to the cloud ------------------------------Controls-------------------------------- WASD/arrow keys/touch screen are controls space/click to restart when you die (other keys take you back) left/A and right/D to change difficulty settings on the menu (sorry mobile users) press O then enter for options or click it 2 times ------------------Notes(in instructions XD)---------------------- "It's basically like DDR, press arrow when arrow over other arrow. And uhhh don't lose."




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

2.5k favorites