Colors || a platformer [3]
Game Introduction
Credits: @Max-0 Improvements: Bouncing animation for the bouncy stuff, counter at the top left for the level, the animations of the intro, and @Max-0 remade the costume for the [F] attack @dogs_are_good for movement code - edited by me. @dogs_are_good for torch sprite. @ared3798 for love, fave, and follow icons at the end Check out @Max-0 and @dogs_are_good Music: Kaled ➠ by @-Xaf- and Strings of valor, apparently by Niels van der Leest according to the google. Also there is The Beginning of time but idk who made it. * 8/29/21 - 31 loves 26 faves!!! The day after the release!! * 8/30/21 - 195+ loves 166+ faves 5000+ views!!!!!!! THIS IS CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYY * 8/31/21 - 537 loves 453 faves 16541 views!!!!!!!!!! * 9/3/21 - 1068+ loves 924+ faves 41033+ views! * 9/4/21 - 1188+ loves 1035+ faves 45035+ views * 9/9/21 - 1535+ loves 1338+ faves 60402+ views: Welp, I'm pretty much off of trending now, ty for everything this: #games
How To Play
ON TRENDING!!!!!!!!!! - Aug 30 - 2021 for all for games. Thank you SoOoOooO much #2 on What the community is remixing - Sep 2 - 2021 DOUBLE CLICK GREEN FLAG!!!!!!!!!! With 1400+ blocks, 136 costumes, and 53 days since Part 2, PART 3 IS FIIIIINALLY OUT!!!!!! Part 1: Part 2: ➠ Arrow keys or WASD to move ➠ N to skip ➠ Space for light ➠ F to shoot ➠ C for missile if it lags use turbowarp: Please report any bugs or improvements in the comments. Thanks! Have fun!
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
1.6k favorites