~Dark Rooms~ v.1.4.4

Game Introduction

Follow me so you don't miss out on new projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Apfellord/ CREDITS:___________________________________ All art and scripting by Apfellord Music by Kevin Macleod and Danny Baranowski Sound effects from Terraria and The Binding of Isaac Inspired by The Binding of Isaac (Age restriction for Isaac is 16 btw. Dont play it, kids!) ___________________________________________ Got some interesting ideas for the game? Tell me about them in the comments!

How To Play

CONTROLS:_________________________________ W, A, S, D..........Jump, move and drop through grey platforms ARROW KEYS...Shoot Fight yourself through the many rooms filled with enemies and slay the bosses after every floor! Can you make it to the end safely? CHANGELOG:_________________________________________ v.1.4.4 * you now have to press the "S" button to use the boss door v.1.4.3 * fixed a bug that caused the pause menu to appear on the bossfight if you spam-clicked the settings button while entering the boss door. (thanks to @OwlCity32 for submitting this bug) v.1.4.2 + Added 5 new rooms to the mansion + Added 1 new room to the factory v.1.4.1 + Added decorations to the 3rd level's rooms * Fixed an issue with cave level room generation v.1.4 + Added the 3rd Level (and boss): The Factory * Improved some scripts that caused massive lag v.1.3.13 * Fixed a few things, improved scripts v.1.3.12 + Added a lot of new Room types and a new type of trap! + Added destroyable walls to some rooms. * Divided the rooms into themed ones. First level is now called "The Mansion", for example. v.1.3.11 + Added a restart button to the "Game Paused" screen v.1.3.10 * Fixed a problem with Holy Grail not clearing the room when reviving you and making the music glitch v.1.ת.ל + Added nothing at all. v.1.3.9 + Added a new item: The Pocket Watch! * You will now be teleported back into a room if you've somehow managed to get out without killing the enemies. * Changed the layout for a cave-room * Fixed a few bugs regarding the Panic! item and being able to run out of a room without clearing it * Fixed some rooms not "going bright" correctly (being dark grey-ish) v.1.3.8 + Added another five new room types!! - containing new types of traps: Spikes and spiky balls! v.1.3.7 + Added five new room types! + Added a new monster - the Bouncer! + Added a new type of encounter - scythe traps! * Made the monster-spawning scripts A LOT more compressed and small, (before: 9 scripts for 1 monster; now there's only one) * Changed the texture of a room, this has something to do with upcoming updates * Fixed a few bugs, involving going through the ceiling and the flag at the end not working properly v.1.3.6 + Added a new Item: Holy Grail! * Now, if you beat the boss with full health, you get an item chest at the end! - If you beat him with only one damage taken, you get a heart and a stat boost + Added new flags at the end! * Fixed a bunch of bugs (hopefully) v.1.3.5 + Added a new statboost: Damage Up! * The player now looks different when picking up the "Laser Gun" item v.1.3.4 + Added a new item: Iron Colossus v.1.3.3 * Changed the way the game handles enemy health. - Before it was hard-scripted "wait until hit" stuff, but now a list keeps track of that. Quite complicated, but it opens up the possibility for new items and damage upgrades! * Made some changes to enemies: - Dasher Boss now has shorter animations in-between phases. - Removed invincibilitly frames on enemies, so attacks hitting them in quick succession don't "miss". - Shooters now start shooting a second faster after you enter the room - Dashers now close their eyes before dashing, I hope this will help people see when they are about to dash * Gold arrow travels faster through enemies now v.1.3.2 + Added two new Items: "Panic!" and "Enchanted Sword" * Fixed some bugs, tweaked some minor stuff v.1.3.1 + Added two new items: Dragons Orb and Laser Gun v.1.3 + Added collectible passive items! - Try to find a key and a chest on a level and it will reward you with an item that gives you new powers!! v.1.2.2: + Added a new randomly spawning pickup - the stat boost! v.1.2.1: + Added some statistics and other stuff to the end of the game! v.1.2: * You can now see where monsters spawn, so you can run away from their spawning positions after entering a room v.1.1: + Added another randomly spawning pickup - the all seeing eye * Increased the chance of pickups spawning v.1.0: Uploaded the game




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