Warriors AMV (WIP)
Game Introduction
WHAT? A shared project by Applepie!? I didn't think those things existed anymore :O And it's an AMV! How is this happening!? All art by me All animation by me Song is 'Warriors' by Imagine Dragons Characters belong to Erin Hunter and the Warriors Series. Characters Thus Far (In order of appearance): SpottedLeaf BlueStar Rusty Smudge (hiding in the background there xD) GreyPaw LionHeart WhiteStorm If ya don't know what's going on then read the warriors books.
How To Play
--- EDIT --- TOP LOVED!?!? Oh my gosh, I just can't thank you all enough! :'D --- EDIT 2 --- The amount of love and support this has received over the years, and still continues to receive to this day, astounds me. I'm sorry I can't keep up with replying to all of you, but please know that I do read it all, and I appreciate it beyond words. Thank you so much, all of you <3 ------ Note: Timing may be off on some computers. I find it uncanny how much this song fits the storyline for the first arc of warriors. Even more so that they share the same name O.o Yes, I DO intend to finish this up... oneday... But until that day comes I've decided to just share it as a WIP because I've been pretty darn inactive lately. (some parts are a little old) I had another AMV I was ready to share as a WIP, with timing perfect and everything, but then I go and kill it all by accidently deleting one of the most important sprites, Gah! So it may take a while for me to work up the motivation to fix it again *sigh* ;n; -
Game Information
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