3-D Thing v1.1

Game Introduction


How To Play

I've seen other people make 3-D projects, but they use Cosines and Sines which (being in primary school) I haven't learned yet. I decided to try to do one that's simpler. It worked pretty well. Press space and use your mouse. Yay! And it's all in one sprite! Feel free use this in projects if you give @Neo241 credit. Also, if you liked this, Love and Favorite and check out my new AI project. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/973716/ ...Wow! It got featured! 2400 Faves, 7000 messages, and 100 followers! Thanks! I may not reply to all the comments, but I do read them! By the way, thank you to whoever featured this. Hey you! Yeah, you right there! Don't spam. I know you were about to post a comment.




Game Information

Game Popularity


Collection Count

5.1k favorites