Optigan[2] engine
Game Introduction
NEW ENGINE IS OUT: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/643515288/ NEW ENGINE IS OUT: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/643515288/ NEW ENGINE IS OUT: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/643515288/ #socialexperiment @The_untitled_game... @The_untitled_game @untitled @The untitled game... @The untitled game @water @epic_game @scratch @f4f @fnf @Roblox @all @trending @games @weird @grubhub @perks @give @you @deals @on @the @food @you @love @XD @comedy @headphone @users @rip @headphone @users @socialexperiment @social @eperiment @# @1Mil @1million! @1million @blake @lloyd @multiplayer @draw @imagen @cool @awsome @idk @pixelart @pixleart @socialexperiment @social @eperiment @# @multiplayer @draw @imagen @cool @awsome @idk @pixelart @pixleart @3d
How To Play
NEW ENGINE IS OUT: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/643515288/ W, A, S, and D to move arrow keys to look around! C to whack with crowbar / interact P to remove subtitles - q: what do I do? a: simple, the "Optigan[2]" is a engine to use in your 3d game! just remix it and your done! -q: can I Recode it? a: yes, 100%! the Optigan[2] is designed so YOU can customize it as much as you want! -q: can I use the sounds? a: yes. everything in this project is meant to be Reused! -q: How do I recode it? a: everything you need to know about that is on this page: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/545900/?page=1#post-5642821 - If you have any questions please ask! #socialexperiment @The_untitled_game... @The_untitled_game @untitled @The untitled game... @The untitled game @water @epic_game @scratch @f4f @fnf @Roblox @all @trending @games @weird @grubhub @perks @give @you @deals @on @the @food @you @love @XD @comedy @headphone @users @rip @headphone @users @socialexperiment @social @eperiment @# @1Mil @1million! @1million @blake @lloyd @multiplayer @draw @imagen @cool @awsome @idk @pixelart @pixleart @socialexperiment @social @eperiment @# @multiplayer @draw @imagen @cool @awsome @idk @pixelart @pixleart @3d
Game Information
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