
Game Introduction

If you want more animations, go to my new account, @Sterlon! (Minecraft is awesome.) I shared this at 4:59 XD Credit to Notch, BFDI, and Nintendo. The diamond troll is what I was going to call this project, but I didn't because of reasons. =T It might lag, but you can just click the flag again to make it stop lag. THIS IS AN ANIMATION, BY THE WAY.

How To Play

click the green axe! as @BlueyKatz says. Fun Fact(s): #1 I was going to release this on Tuesday, but Monday rocks. (or because I just spent 1 hour coding on Monday, IDK.) #2 I was going to call this the diamond troll, but it was called Minecraft. for personal reasons. Moving thumbnail= https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/36686292/ 10 lovs and favs to have a new animation, 50 lovs and favs for game, and 5 lovs and 5 favs for a remix.




Game Information

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9.1k favorites