Don't Love This Project!
Game Introduction
♥︎//. Jesus is Lord. I'd like to thank @TimMcCool for the button detectors! Credit to @JakeCY5 for the music by oomie: "Who's Gonna Stop Me. Credit to Blue Wednesday for the song "New Shoes" I got it from @bionicginnypig Credit to @AlexGrievous2009 for the previous music by Joakim Karud: "Dizzy". But also scratch cat. He deserves some credit for sitting here all day, just waiting for some Scratcher like you to come along and disrespect him by clicking that love button. #trend + Go check out my better content!
How To Play
Don't Love This Project! x x x don't do fullscreen + Can we get this on trending? ... Do you love Jesus this much? As always, 123 want an Easter egg? 9 ÷ 3= _ want another? what's the most common letter in the English alphabet? . i'll be honest it's funny seeing people argue about this... : ) Fifty-thousand views?! Taking scratch by storm. God is real. here is the remix tree, it's colossal:
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
11.2k favorites