Warrior Cats // Game || V2.0

Game Introduction

Please don't remix and just add nothing or recolour the characters bright green. ;-; Please give credit and at least change something. Guys if you like you can press look inside. There's things like a CliffClan, the Mooncove, and stuff I haven't coded yet, but I have drawn. There are many bugs after you become a warrior because I haven't coded them yet. Well this blew up quickly. I posted it around a week ago and now it has more than 4500 views. (Please help i'm getting a message a minute and I woke up to 1127 messages today) Please no advertising -_- (<- has given up) Art + Coding mostly mine, please do not steal the coding or art without permission. The pet birbs and rogues were drawn by @sushiwolf224, however I made changes to the lineart and coloured them. Some of the colour inspiration is from @sushiwolf224. Some of the birb thoughts are inspired by Pokémon Sword and Shield. This is inspired by @moss-shadow's game, Kit to Leader. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/78985318/ Please do not remix without changing anything, or recolouring. If you do, you will most likely get reported. I spent a long time to make the art. Regular music is 8pm music from Animal Crossing. I backpacked it from https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/147074564/ Battle music is Gym Leader battle music from Pokémon Black and White, backpacked from https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/59768866/ Due to the fact that I had too many sprites and had to remove some to stop Scratch from crashing, some old characters from the original Warrior Cats game were removed. I am sorry if you liked the character, but I don't want Scratch to crash while you are playing the game. Previous Versions: Version 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/508271331/ Hahahahhahahaahahhah Oreo totally doesn't love flirting with you...

How To Play

I am probably not going to come back to Scratch, but I suddenly thought about this project while lying in bed last night with nothing to do. lol. I thought, why not leave a parting gift? Even though I will never finish this project, I will share it for you all. It is unfinished, but the instructions below detail the finished project, so disregard some things in there. I personally really love this project, and I want you all to enjoy a last project from me. So here you go. This ends when you become a warrior, you cannot have kits, get an accessory, or finish the main storyline. The version updates in the project outline the finished project, so a few things are missing. However, I don't want to change anything from what I did before so I will leave this project as it is. I will not answer questions I have already answered in here. Thank you, and please enjoy! Warrior Cats Game V2.0 is finally here! Here are the instructions on how to play. || Basic Movement Controls || Press the flag a few times to prevent lag. If you are on PC, use the arrow keys to move around. If you are on mobile, press the pawprints in the corner to move around. Press the little 'M' button to show the mobile controls, and press the little 'PC' button to remove them again. Clicking den entrances, exits and some pawprints will take you to different areas. Moving your character on top of pawprints will also take you to different areas. || How to progress through the game || You start off as a kit. To become an apprentice, just talk to Acornstar and he will ask you 3 questions regarding the Warrior Code. Do not go straight to him at the start of the game. There are certain things you can do as a kit that you cannot do as an apprentice. Once you are an apprentice, go through the story until you are free to level up by yourself. Then earn exp points until you are up to level 10, and speak to your mentor. After you become a warrior, you can have kits with eligible mates. Once you have kits, work your way up to level 20 to unlock more of the story. Once the main story is over, you can continue to level up until level 50, and then you can retire to become an elder. After that, there isn't much to do and you've finished the game. If you want the best possible gameplay experience please do not purposely mess up the game, or do things you aren't supposed to do. Please also do not spoil the story in the comments, if you do I will delete your comment. || Battling || Click the buttons to battle. Only click the button when it says 'Your turn' otherwise the game will glitch. Once a battle is over, your max HP, atk and level exp will increase, even if you lose. However, if you forfeit the battle you will not gain anything. Do not spam the buttons during the battle because then the scratch animations will glitch and the game might get stuck. || How to get accessories || Talk to Twigfall in the elders den if you are level 5 or higher, and say you want her to make you an accessory. She will give you a list of what materials you can choose. She will ask you to find one of them. Once you find it, she will give you choices for what accessories can be made from the thing you found her. Once you tell her what you want it will be added to your inventory. If you want more accessories you can repeat those steps. Some accessories can be gained through the story. There is a special 'rare' accessory that can be obtained through a special process. To equip an accessory just open your inventory and click the one you want. || How to get pets || To get a pet birb, go to the training grounds. There is a chance you might find a birb. If you do not find one you can just leave the area and go in again. Once you find one, click it and it will follow you around! However be careful with the choice of birb, because you cannot get another one. Interact with your birb by clicking it. This will raise your friendship with your birb. 3 is the max friendship level. || Having kits || Once you have a mate, you can have kits with them. If you are both the same gender, the kits are adopted but still count as your own. You are stuck in the nursery until you name your kits, and you can't rename them so make a good choice! As you level up, so do your kits. || How to obtain the rare accessory || Thank you for reading all the way to the bottom of the instructions! This means you must get a reward. When Twigfall asks you what material you want it made out of, instead of saying any of the options she gives you, say 'cupcake' with no capital letters or punctuation. She will give you the accessory that she always wears! Please do not spoil how the get the special accessory in the comments. If you do, your comment will most likely be deleted. If someone asks how to get the special accessory, say something like 'read the instructions more carefully'. Thanks for reading all this, now go on and play the game! ------------------------------------




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