Massive Multiplayer Platformer v1.3

Game Introduction

How To Play

▶️ MMO Tutorial - Hey Fellow Scratchers, I've been re-working the MMO platformer test project to see what new features I could add. This is a work in progress level, not yet complete so it may feel a little abrupt. Still, I need to test how it is working so far! So here goes :D - Jump on board and see how many players we get on this thing before it breaks lol. Run the course - collect the flags, and then make it back to the beginning to collect the final flag to get your time. If you see a yellow player... It's me guys :D The rainbow player is the fastest player right now who is playing. Their name is shown at the top of the screen. *** CONTROLS *** * Use arrow keys or WASD to control the player * Z is alternative crouch, SPACE alternative jump * Press 'N' to show all players names * Hold E or R to open Emoji panels * Complete the speed run and back to the start will report your time and reward you with a parachute - use space to use it :) * Mouse over a player to see their individual name * Q + R to reset level for speed runs *** SPECIAL MOVES *** High Jump - Hold down then Up Long Jump - Run then quickly press Down, then Up Slide - On a slope press Down and Left or Right Wall Jump - Jump against a wall, then press Up again Changelog: 15 July 2022 - Removed Name of fastest player (due to hackers *sob*) 31 Mar 2022 - Updated cloud code 9 Dec 2021 - Trying to add current fastest + Fixes for slope sliding 7 Dec 2021 - Bugfix - Stop end of buffer making players appear under level. 6 Dec 2021 - Initial Release v1.0 Credits: Emoji - Openmoji Music - Twenty Six 0 Eight by Tripledigit




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