Cannonball V.5
Game Introduction
About 99.9% code by me. I used a script from @Griffpatch's platformer tutorial to position the bricks without overlapping them. for the music! Note: The world record cannot be under 0.2 because Scratch's cloud servers only update every 0.1 seconds (I think). Upgrades Auto Blast: Hold down to rapid-fire cannonballs at a rate of 5 per second Bigger Explode: Creates a larger explosion Triple shot: Blasts 3 balls. Poor accuracy. Lighting Bolt: Fires a powerful lightning bolt. Laser: Blasts a laser that goes through bricks. Nuke Power: Launches a cannonball infused with nuclear energy. Firework: Explodes in a multicolored burst that obliterates the tower. (SECRET UPGRADE) Merged Upgrades Triple Lightning: Combined triple blast and lightning bolt! Spam click. Auto Laser: Tired of spam clicking with laser? Now you can simply hold down. Bigger Nuke: Greatly increases the all-mighty power of the nuke. Triple Laser: 3 lasers. Lightning Laser: An advanced, powerful laser! Bigger Firework: Boosts the secret upgrade. #All
How To Play
Welcome to Cannonball, a game all about blowing stuff up! Cannonball 2 is out! Play it here: Click to shoot, blow up the tower! Buy powerful upgrades in the shop! I made the upgrades cheap so players can use the one they like best. No advertising, please. Now mobile-friendly! It is very fun drag clicking while playing this (or so I've been told; I don't know how to drag click) secret: while playing, type "firework" for an epic upgrade.
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