Rainbow Scratch Paper
Game Introduction
Thank you to @CoolCoder148698 for proposing it to be featured! There is no undo button or eraser. Why? Is there an undo button or eraser when doing the real thing?... Please don't advertise. Please, I'm asking nicely. :)
How To Play
Press the flag to start. Draw anything you want. To start over, press the space bar. ATTENTION EVERYONE: To change the size of the scratcher, use the left and right arrows. (People have been pointing out that sometimes the scratcher will change sizes even though they didn't press anything. I just realized that apparently when you use the mousepad to zoom in and out, it activates the up and down keys on scratch. So I switched it to the left and right. Hopefully there are no more issues with that.) Enjoy! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/633365711
Game Information
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6.3k favorites