Orbital Sandbox
Game Introduction
How To Play
Welcome to Orbital Sandbox! In this project you will be able to play with the universal powers! -Spawn planets, asteroids, stars or even black holes! -Collide celestial bodies to each other. -Create and destroy star systems -Orbit random planets together. -Save your interesting scenarios and share them with other scratchers! -Experiment in any way you like! *Save and load codes discussion page here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/576678/ [Quick instructions] -To move the camera view you can use WASD or the camera controls in the left side of the screen. -To zoom in and out you can use the Mouse wheel or the zoom in and out buttons on the left of the screen. -Spawn an object by tapping/clicking and dragging to the direction you want it to move. -The further you drag, the faster it goes. -You can see which object you spawn along with the mass of it on the top-middle of the screen, next to it there is a +/- button, That is used to change the object you wish to spawn. -You can also manipulate the time, simply use the slider on the left corner of the screen. -If you wish to save or load your scenario, access the menu, and press save or load scenario. Simple as that. *When saving, make sure you triple click the save code before you copy it!* -Start a preloaded scenarios or a blank scenario! >Preloaded scenarios have already planes into *not very accurate* orbit, and you could wreak havoc on your own will! >Blank scenarios have literally nothing in them, so you can create anything you want. [Credits] >Planet sprites and background from google. >Rest of artwork by me. >Soundtrack from youtube. >Coding all by me. Want to see another similar project? click here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/484078830/ [Tags] #space
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