Game Introduction
READ EVERYTHING BELOW BEFORE YOU COMMENT <---------------- > "Pls try my project" - No ads, they will get deleted and reported. > "My body is breaking" "My snake fell apart" - This is because I use clones because I am a stupid. So go to this link (Copy and paste it) to play without the issue > "Where are the other snakes" "Add Computer" - I am not making it multiplayer. If you'd like to try and make it by remixing it, feel free that would be great. Ok you can go away now ------------------------------------ More stuff ------------------------------------ Highscore is 532 by @maddz27 GG! Heart + Favourite + Follow if you enjoyed! :) Music from Bensound and the YouTube audio library Updates ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 - Game is released and has the function to change your skin to different colours ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1 - Fixed negative size and added a secret skin ;) Also made the movement a bit smoother ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2 - Better movement and after about a minute extra orbs spawn ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.3 - Fixed dragging issue ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.4 - Pretty big update adding new modes! You can play timed or freeplay ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.5 - Skin update! Up to 20 skins with different patterns and colours now ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.6 - Added a "mega orb" which give you an increase in size up to 30-80! Also changed the texture to be better and changed the thumbnail :) ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.7 - Added music to the game and changed the menu to look nicer - I also patched a few bugs I found ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.8 - Added an eating animation and made the graphics look a lot better! - And also fixed the "I can eat with my tail" bug ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.9 - Added low quality mode - it makes game less laggy and gets rid of some animation press "L" to toggle it ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.10 - Added a highscore variable for timed mode! ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.11 - Fixed "glitchy" head and made movement more smooth and like the real game ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.12 - Added basic mobile joysticks as suggested by @griffpatch on his YouTube tutorial! Doesn't fully work right now, but is better then it was before. ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.13 - Fixed some mobile-friendly glitches ------------------------------------------------------------- v1.14 - Fixed some code and made the gameplay a LOT smoother ------------------------------------------------------------- Tags:
How To Play
bad project i made lol This is my scratch remake of the fun game! - Eat the orbs to grow as big as you can! Controls: Use your mouse to control the snake and hit space or click to sprint. Press "L" to toggle lag mode if required (sorry not mobile yet)
Game Information
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3.2k favorites