Sushi Xpress

Game Introduction

This is my first shared project. (I used to use the downloaded Scratch app) Please favorite and love! Feel free to give me any tips for improvement. "High Score" on the top is the cloud high score, and your score is "Number Correct". Some people have confused those two OMG Featured on 4/30/16! Thanks Scratch Team! XD I made this, like forever ago. I don't even remember what I did Sorry, but I won't be able to answer all comments, so Thank You, everyone who loved this game and gave positive comments and suggestions. If you have an important comment, please comment on my profile page. 5/2/16 Changed time limit from 30 seconds to 50 seconds 5/1/16 Updated! Now you can only select the ingredients used. It will not accept extra ingredients as it did before Also, created cloud data for high score

How To Play

Instructions are in the game. each correct sushi earns you one second In the recipe book, click on the arrows at the bottom for the next page. You'll have to click on the previous page arrow or keep on clicking the next page arrow to go back to making sushis. ***looking at the recipe book takes up your time! clicking on Trash deletes the ingredients you currently have on your board If you liked this, please check out my platformer Eyeball, or my Bubble Sort algorithm simulator! :)




Game Information

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1.8k favorites