DYO Pen animation!

Game Introduction

See my best animation? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/686674525/ 5/24/2022 Curated by @WKFs20161041 Tysm! 5/25/2022 TOP LOVED! Tysm! 5/27/2022 TOP REMIXED?! Hi! Welcome to DYO Pen Animation! Its 100% pen even the backdrop is pen except the thumbnail! There are many possible combinations that you should try and all are beautiful and satisfying! Please share your combinations in the comments! I recommend 2, 1, 2 and 5 animation mode 2 and 5 pen size! Awesome with turbo mode and without too! Credits Music- Castle in the sky Rest- @Bhachdi (me). Thanks to @ValentinaValentine for proposing this to be featured! :) Thanks for viewing! ❤️ and ⭐ if you like! Have fun! And Scratch on!

How To Play

See my best animation? https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/686674525/ Hello everyone! Welcome to DYO Pen animation! DYO stands for "Design Your Own". In this project you can design your own pen animation by changing the variables! All the combinations are beautiful and satisfying! The animation variable shows the type of the animation and the pen size variable shows the thickness of lines! Mode is mode of animation!




Game Information

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514 favorites