Create Your Own Lemonade!
Game Introduction
How To Play
Hey folks! Summertime is on it's way, so to honor that I created a "Create Your Own Lemonade" game. What's more summery than a refreshing, cool glass of lemonade? Feel free to remix and show us what you’ve made or add your own features! ⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎- Featured 5/25/22! :D Thanks to @Aloeheart6 for proposing! Top remixed 6/18/22 All advertisement will be reported. ⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎- Check out my latest project, an icon creator, here! ⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎- Interested in the art, find out how to make art like this yourself in this tutorial! ⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎-⁎- Art & Code: @SnowdropTheIcewing Program: All done in Scratch Vector Editor Thumbnail Font: Chewy from Google Drawings Music: Summer Spark by YouJ Seriously guys. Stop with the hate and advertising. Like I can deal with it, but it’s obnoxious. I get advertising, but hate is just mean. Think before you comment. I put lots of work into this and I’m proud of it.
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