Celebrating Scratch Week 2022!

Game Introduction

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in Scratch Week and helped to make the celebration so magical! We truly loved celebrating with you in the community and we hope you enjoyed participating as much as we did <3 This project only shows a small portion of things that were made so we highly encourage you to check out all the activity studios (listed below) as there are so many more awesome projects to see! Thank you to the folks in the project! You can find them listed below by the Scratch Week activity we found them: Let's Get Moving: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31619365 + @-WhiteHat-: Dancing silhouette Scratch Team + @CauchySheep: Sense Your Movements! + @Geel208-: Moon Walk! + @InsaneGOG: Cat jumping on a trampoline + @KirboTDM: I make a many motion + @Luizeira02: getting fit & funky + @sanstheskull2009: Scratch cat dancing + @Tapstronaut: Disco Girls! Animated Art Anything is Possible: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31625622 + @amazinggamesandmore-: MAKING A WAND + @ComicalKarmicBution: “Little Ghost Girl" + @DoggyArt: Dragon art (updated) + @Frizja: If really anything was possible in real life.... + @jask82006: Fantasy World! + @Pandan_the_coder: Fantasy - A Parallax + @RainbowAnimator08 Anything is possible + @rock-on-star: 2 magical DIYs + @XxDawnclawxX: Anything is possible! Puzzle Party!: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31632076 + @AGamer_S: Here’s a riddle: SW Part 3 + @k_animator12: The puzzle + @McBling1234567892: You forgot to eat breakfast! + @reyanshtar: Sliding game 2 + @Shark_JLT: Where's Nano? + @Starie_Skies: Letterle [WORD GAME] + @StarlightPR: Guess the word! + @supersloth4000: crossword puzzle Bees, Trees, & Seas: The Nature Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31638950 + @Chumie: Bee Hotel + @DarlingDesignerArt: Sea Lanscape + @FirewingTheWyvern: A Guide To Lambda Isle + @LandOfBlocks: Bug Runner + @le_kitty_cat: ~Garden~ + @luv_classical_music: Under the sea + @rubycube2010: Beehive Tinker with Fashion: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31645128 + @Beep_Bob: Vyshyvanka Creator + @ColorfulLemon: Tinker with Fashion + @halo-turtle: At a Glance: Black Fashion Museum + @Mic_hal16: Scratch Week - Scratchy Dress-Up + @SlurpySmile: Shoe Store + @thefutureds2022 : Fashion Day! + @ValentinaValentine: Indian Dress - Kurta Blockshade Art @villeolof: Fashion @WolfPack747: Fashion Show Dress Up~ Birthday Celebrations!: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31593087 + @anthrofurever: Happy (belated) Birthday, Scratch Cat! + @ batcat505: Happy Birthday Scratch Cat! + @CrazyFunMarioGames: Happy Birthday, Scratch! + @epicmansie19 Happy 15 years, Scratch! + @freepies: 15 years of Scratch + @Karmel-kot1313: lovefool [<meme template>] + @LoveForevaAndEva: Scratch's birthday! + @SunflowerBunnie: Happy birthday Scratch! + @TheNothingBird: Happy 15th Anniversary, Scratch! + @uni_doodle_pup: Happy 15th Birthday, Scratch! + @WanderingSpirit_50: Happy Birthday Scratch!!! - - - - Music: "Celebration" by Kool & The Gang Font: Phosphate; LibelSuitRg Meow!

How To Play

Scratch Week 2022 has come to an end and we wanted to share back some of the amazing things you all made! Over the last week we celebrated Scratch's 15th birthday with daily activities, inviting you all to create projects around different themes, and the response was overwhelmingly amazing! This is a project to show some of the amazing things you made throughout Scratch Week ^.^ Press space/tap the screen (on mobile) to see the next project. A huge thank you to everyone who participated in Scratch Week and helped to make the celebration so magical! We truly loved celebrating with you in the community and we hope you enjoyed participating as much as we did <3 This project only shows a small portion of things that were made so we highly encourage you to check out all the activity studios (listed below) as there are so many more awesome projects to see! Scratch On! =^..^=




Game Information

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1.3k favorites