Frost It! ~ A Platformer

Game Introduction

♥dedicated to: My grandpa! This is a birthday present to him~ It's his 80th birthday on July 19, a big deal!♥ ♪music: Good Time by Owl City & Carly Rae Jepson (8-bit NES remix by rakuhus)♪ Please note, the game isn't over until it says so~ Credit to: @FontGod for some of the fonts. : to @djpro, and @griffpatch on the tutorials for platformers! I didn't use the scripts completely, but used them to help understand the concept and to help script my own! my script is mostly based on @djpro 's :) Updates: - Added frosting at the end of the level - Added point system (the less the better) - Added a High Score system July 19. Ahh top-loved! 400+ loves?? This is crazy thanks so much! 500+ Loves?! *Faints* OMP 600 loves!

How To Play

Hello! Welcome to 'Frost It!', A game where your ultimate goal is to get Cupcake to the frosting! -Press 'space' to choose between vanilla and chocolate. -The sound button on the top right is for muting the music. -Please note that the lower the better your score is :3 All levels are possible! Please inform me of any glitches~ Oh, and for all of you banana lovers, I love it too! Please don't be offended >-<




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