Night Navigation

Game Introduction

A very simplified version of navigating an airplane using only the instruments. Connect the Dots... but the dots are invisible. Once you press SPACE to start, your plane will be flying towards the top of the screen. You can't see it though, so you'll have to use your Heading Indicator (the left orange circle). It shows you what direction your plane is flying in. The right orange circle instrument labelled as "bearing", will always point from your plane to the next target (where you are supposed to fly to). Using your right and left arrow keys, turn your plane so that the "heading" lines up with the "bearing". The middle instrument is your "horizon line". It's just a quick visual clue to let you know if you're plane is turning or flying straight. Once you've got your heading needle pointing in the same direction as your bearing needle, the distance counter should be counting down. That means that you're flying towards the target, and (hopefully obviously) getting closer to it. When you're within 2 units, the light will come on and a tone will sound. If you get to 1 unit from the target, then your bearing needle will switch to the next target. Keep going until you've got all 9 targets, and then the map will show you where the targets were and how you flew to get to them. If you're having trouble visuallizing it, try it for a minute and then press 'x'. That will stop the game and reveal the map, and your route up to that point.

How To Play




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