*☆alien alien☆* ||template
Game Introduction
☆ Code and art by mE @IzzyTheLemonMan ☆ Song: Alien Alien - Nayutalien caca laca approved
How To Play
☆ spAM THE FLAG! ☆ ahdhjb im sorry for all of the template like stuff I just can't draw rn ahaha ☆ Ive been listening to this song on l o o p bro- ☆ also OMG IVE BEEN ON SCRATCH FOR 2 YEARS?? LETS GO BRO ☆ Sorry this is really simPLE-- I just wanted to code n chill ahaha ☆ You can remix! No need to ask :D (just uh- credit me pls especially if you recolor :') ) ☆ I tried to make it work for animals and humans so yeA :D
Game Information
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