DYO Pizza! [3D]

Game Introduction

How To Play

Hello everyone! Welcome to my latest project. I had a lot of fun making this one :) If you wish to remix this project to show people your own pizza, you just have to click a button! I made a MASSIVE update!! I shortened the save code from 1700+ characters to 200!!! Please comment on what topping you want to be added! WHAT THE COMMUNITY IS LOVING??? (7/7/22) WHAT THE COMMUNITY IS REMIXING?? (8/7/22) Loved by @carpeediem Thanks to @ScratchCat-Master for curating this project! INDEX: → What is this game? → How to play? → Today's pick → News/ New updates → Credits WHAT IS THIS GAME? This is Decorate Your Own pizza! It is not exactly 3D but kind of 2.5D. In this game, you can create your own pizza using the different features provided! HOW TO PLAY? → You will first see a (not very tasty looking) pizza → You have to decorate it using the various toppings provided. → Click on the editor button to decorate the pizza → Click on the utensil button to switch between a plate and paddle → Click on the toppings to add them. → When done adding the toppings, click on the green tick button → If you made a mistake and want to remove the last topping added, click on the yellow undo button → If you want to remove all the specific toppings added, click the red cross button → Click on the preview button to see your pizza in 2.5D → Save and load your pizza TODAY'S PICK: 2521102914005943004045004936454400594300394300493839005943004036003742005943004438004437005943004245003639370059430040400049364245005936004036004941430059360040400049390059360036390049394000593600404000394000593600394100493636370059360040440049364143005936003839003641400059360041420036384400593600444200444500594400374400493638440059440037410038440059440039440049383600594400414000493638390059440041400036414200594400423600443700 Load it ↑ NEWS/ NEW UPDATES → Created on 13/6/22 → Pineapple and seasoning added (13/6/22) → Option to clear all the toppings and randomize pizza option added (6/7/22) → Curated by @ScratchCat-Master (6/7/22) → Pepperoni added! → Hit 10K views!!!! → Added a mute/unmute button → Added basil (10/07/22) CREDITS: → To the wonderful person who invented pizza → @griffpatch for the encoding and decoding scripts → @papipupepapa for some inspiration! → Everything else by @vatsalnewar (me) =] TAGS (IGNORE) : #vatsalnewar




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