Trivia Crack

Game Introduction

I was inspired by the iphone app. Art: MRauch I would recommend full screen. Thanks for viewing! If you have any suggestions for questions please post them. Also post them with four answer choices and the correct answer. Thanks! Check out my other games at

How To Play

Same as the app, but if you don't know how to play read bellow: 1) When you start press the thing that says spin. That will spin the wheel. 2) When the wheel stops a picture will come up with the word continue in the bottom right and corner. Press continue and it will ask you a question. 3) Answer by typing in 1, 2, 3, or 4. Then it will tell you if you are correct or incorrect. Next it will go to the starting page. 4) Follow the above. 5) When you get 3 correct answers, or you land on the crown spot, it will show the crown and continue. Press continue. 6)Then chose a category to have question asked to you from. When you get six crowns you win.




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