Cannonball Remake v7
Game Introduction
For the Money Counter, It was originally made by griffpatch. Musics are taken from Pixabay. First remix: -- Updates -- V7 -Added Low Detail Mode (Easter Egg) -Added a Duplication Glitch (Easter Egg) -Added Star Laser -Added Star Nuke -Added Gold Bricks (Gives x10) V6 -Added Night Theme: Less Gravity and Buffed moon, you need to type a code to use it. (easy to guess) -Made you able to shoot during shower, but shower looks less good, I buffed the shower because of that. -Changed Background for Time Trial. -Added Star V5 -Added Nuke Skin -Added Meteor -Added Moon -Added Sniper -Added Loop -Added Rage (nvm i forgot to add it and i only noticed it when i finished v6 :(, it's Star, Rage just is piercing but it goes down when it touches the castle.) (:) gge retsae dedda) V4 - Added Life Link - Added Deselect Button - Reseted World Record Time Bug: Insta Life Link Death with Deselect or something. V3 - Added Auto Shoot (Cost: 60) - Added Time Trial - Added World Record Time (Added 2 backdrops and 1 costume for ground.) V2 - Added Merged Shop - Added Triple Nuke (Cost: 7500 then 5500.) - Added auto shooting after tower reset. Bug: Double shooting very fast is possible with shoot after reset. V1 - Changed how easy it is to get money... - Added a delay to start fading for brick debris. - Added a thumbnail. - Added "Nuke". (Cost: 3000) V0, Creation of this game. - Up to "Bigger Explosion" in shop (Cost: 75). -- To do -- Add saving system and maps. Find sound effects. Thanks to SniperReaper11 for the ideas. -- Ideas --
How To Play
On top left is your amount money, to get some shoot the castle and destroy it, when you have enough money, buy something in the shop! (bottom left)
Game Information
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