When I draw...
Game Introduction
~ Animation Entry for @HappyMan_0123 ~ ---------------- ◈ Click the green flag and enjoy the animation! ◈ ---------------- ► Credits: - @HappyMan_0123 for the animation contest. - YouTube for most of the sounds. - cooltext.com - Me for the rest (all the art, coding, idea and voice acting). ---------------- ► Interesting fax (lol): - I posted a new animation after a decade :) - I put in a lot of effort into this animation so a love/fave would be appreciated. - This animation took a whole day to make. ---------------- ► Notes: Do not steal or copy my animation/entry or any of my code, art, etc. please! If you want any of my art, you are free to use it, but you MUST give credits! - @Lulu-143 - ---------------- ► Updates: [9/2/2022] - Loved & faved by @pooky2007! [9/2/2022] - Added into the propose to be featured studio! Tysm @Hello_its_me_Amy for proposing! [9/2/2022] - Added a new costume (lightbulb). [9/7/2022] - Thank you so much for 23 loves and 22 favourites! These are the most loves and faves I've gotten on any project! <3 [9/9/2022] - OMG! TYSM FOR THE FEATURE! TYSM SCRATCH TEAM!! <3 <3 <3 [11/9/2022] - OMGGG! 100K VIEWS?!?!?!?! TYSM EVERYONE! :D <3333 Tags: #WhenIDraw
How To Play
[9/9/2022] - OMG! TYSM FOR THE FEATURE SCRATCH TEAM! TYSM EVERYONE!! <3 <3 <3 All hate comments are being ignored. Please stop advertising... it's filling up my mail. I will delete all advertisements. Please advertise in studios that are MADE for advertising. Don't spam!! Tysm for all the kind and supportive comments! I won't be able to answer them all (apparently, I am lol), but just know I really appreciate them! <3 My favourite remix: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/730079377 - By @MustacheMR (credits to him)
Game Information
Game Popularity
Collection Count
4.4k favorites