Game Introduction
UPDATE LOG v1.1 - Added Kaioken v1.2 - Changed Kaioken up a whole bunch v1.3 - Changed Kaioken visual effects and nerfed it, added x100 limit v1.4 - Minor Graphical changes v1.6 - Alot of stuff changed, new super kamehameha for SSB and UI, new UI transform sounds, Redid the hair for SS, SS2, and SSB. v1.7 - some graphic changes v1.8 - changes to effects #Dragonballz #goku #dragonball #dragonballsuper #dbz #jjba #jojo
How To Play
i've never seen dragon ball so the moves aren't perfect A & D - Move W - Jump ---------Base Form------------------------------------------------- E - Uppercut R - Meteor Strike T - Kamehameha (Lvl. 1) F - Beam Shoot (Lvl. 1) J - Channel Kaioken (Holdable) (Slowly runs out, the more you have, the stronger you are.) G - Teleport 2 - Super Saiyan 5 - Super Saiyan God 7 - Ultra Instinct ---------Super Saiyan---------------------------------------------- E - Multiple Strikes R - Meteor Strike T - Kamehameha (Lvl. 2) F - Beam Shoot (Lvl. 2) J - Channel Kaioken (Holdable) (Slowly runs out, the more you have, the stronger you are.) G - Teleport 3 - Super Saiyan 2 1 - Base Form ---------Super Saiyan 2------------------------------------------- E - Multiple Strikes R - Dash T - Kamehameha (Lvl. 3) F - Beam Shoot (Lvl. 3) H - Head Jab J - Channel Kaioken (Holdable) (Slowly runs out, the more you have, the stronger you are.) G - Teleport 1 - Base Form 4 - Super Saiyan 3 ---------Super Saiyan 3------------------------------------------- E - Ki Thrust R - Dash T - Kamehameha (Lvl. 4) F - Beam Shoot (Lvl. 4) Y - (Hold) Fly J - Channel Kaioken (Holdable) (Slowly runs out, the more you have, the stronger you are.) G - Teleport 1 - Base Form 5 - Super Saiyan God ---------Super Saiyan God--------------------------------------- E - Ki Thrust R - Ki Throw T - Kamehameha (Lvl. 5) F - Beam Shoot (Lvl. 5) Y - (Hold) Fly J - Channel Kaioken (Holdable) (Slowly runs out, the more you have, the stronger you are.) G - Teleport 1 - Base Form 6 - Super Saiyan Blue ---------Super Saiyan Blue--------------------------------------- E - Ki Thrust R - Ki Throw T - Super Kamehameha (Lvl. 6) F - Beam Shoot (Lvl. 6) H - Spirit Bomb J - Channel Kaioken (Holdable) (Slowly runs out, the more you have, the stronger you are.) Y - (Hold) Fly G - Teleport 1 - Base Form 7 - Ultra Instinct ---------Ultra Instinct-------------------------------------- (Epic theme song) E - Focused Strikes R - Ki Pummel H - Ki Dash Blast C - Focused Barrage T - Super Kamehameha (Lvl. 7) F - Beam Shoot (Lvl. 7) Y - (Hold) Fly G - Teleport 1 - Base Form
Game Information
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