Game Introduction
|Music| Jim Yosef - Archer Brooks - Lynx Avenza - Loch Ness Avenza - Wicked VIP |Credits| Code: -Thanks to @Will_Wam for the text effects -Credit to @Coltroc for the button sway -Thanks to @Thejbomber for slider in settings Art: -The rainbow line art in the settings was made by @KillerByte - @Tim McCool for the speaker art in settings -Thanks to @TheHockeyist for music note art in settings -Thanks to @yunus4040 for the settings art ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |Tags| #Dodge Entry Entry Entry
How To Play
◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈Dodge◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈◈ ~Dodge the red enemies. ~Collect powerups. ~Survive for as long as possible. ~Move with arrow keys ~Space to use powerup, or click the bar in mobile ◈ Powerups Ghost: Become invincible for 4 seconds Lightning: Kill all enemies in range Laser: Kill all enemies up and down ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bug: Horizontal enemies continue to move when killed. Bug: Personal best does not work Outro: @nanakusa03 (modified by me to run when stop sign clicked) Big thanks to @Polipo25 for hosting this contest! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RECORDS: 2x2: @-ZadeSs (1027) 3x3: @Henry_Schmidt (769) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO ADVERTISING OR I STEAL YOUR COMPOOTER!! >:(( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I apologize for bad mobile interface, working on improving it. *teehee* Hint: you can jump enemies if you time it just right, there are very few impossible waves...
Game Information
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