Jellyfish Parallax

Game Introduction

Credits: === Music: TheLazyLad Art: @ReinGear Code: @ReinGear === Shoutout to some awesome scratchers: 1. @Clovnov 2. @Ravensky006 3. @ErsatzElevator 4. @lighttiger5 5. @BeautifulTiger === Go check out @Hio3344's remix for movement as well as color change :)

How To Play

Enjoying the parallax? I have others too :) === Feel free to ask any questions, and give recommendations! === Fun fact: Jellyfish are composed of about 95% water, making them incredibly fragile and delicate creatures. === Question: Have you ever spotted a bioluminescent jellyfish in the water at night? === Thanks so much, ST for the feature! I really appreciate it so much! :D It was one of my biggest dreams and it came true! I wasn't sure if I'd ever get the chance but here I am now! :D ===




Game Information

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