Hill Climb Tycoon V1.2

Game Introduction

Oct. 22: Added Speed Boost. Oct. 18-19: Fixed major glitches and reset high score due to a previous error in the terrain generation After nearly a month of waiting, it's finally here! I put more effort into this game than any of my animations, so please support by clicking that love-it button! Credit to @flamingenius for explosion. My decision to make this game was inspired by Hill Climb Racing (The real version and projects by @griffpatch and @WO997). I am aware that there may be glitches. Please report these whenever you see them. I will also most likely be adding a few extra updates here and there. ~fatkidplayer

How To Play

Click anywhere to start. Press the right arrow key to move. Get all the upgrades and go for the high score! Press Space to change the color of your car. You can also turn the sounds on/off.




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