Applehead: The Serpent! (Cuphead Style Boss Fight)
Game Introduction
HIGH QUALITY TURBOWARP LINK: (play on Turbowarp for smoother gameplay thanks to Interpolation!) Many thanks to @Stickman_Studios190 for the original engine, no matter how much I changed and edited, the base code was still made by him. The fifth battle in the Applehead series! Battle against a giant purple eel thing in your trusty pirate ship that you totally purchased legally... (what do you mean Applehead stole this pirate ship from someone else, no he didn't! >:|) Damage sound effects from CalebCity on YouTube (Tips down below if you're struggling a bit!) Phase 1: Phase 1 contains only 3 main attacks, the Bone Spit, the Dive, and the Starfish. You should generally stick to the center of the ship during this phase, on top of the platform, especially on harder difficulties where the water droplets fly out much farther. Hold C to aim up at the Starfish when they fly overhead to prevent them from shooting Star Shards at you. When you see the Serpent start to open his mouth, either drop down or jump over the Bone, then jump back up to the platform. When the Serpent jumps up into the air, quickly jump on top of the Platform to avoid the water that shoots out when he submerges ) Phase 2: Phase 2 is a more chaotic version of Phase 1, containing a Inhale+Fireball attack, Inhale+Bird Spit attack, passively spawning Bonefish that randomly attack positions on the boat, and a harder version of the Dive move where deadly lightning strikes the boat mid jump. During this phase, it's best to avoid standing on the platform and just stick to the main floor. For both Inhale moves, run away while the Serpent is inhaling air since it WILL actually pull you towards him. Dash if you need some extra distance. Fireball: Try to lead the fireball into a position that is easiest to dodge for you (usually straight down or straight across). Bird Choke: simply wait for the feathers to get close to you and just dash through them. Lightning Flip: Run to the other side of the ship when the Serpent jumps up, jump off the ship when the lightning strikes, then quickly dash back onto the ship to avoid damage. Bonefish: Probably the worst thing in this phase, since they can appear anywhere and catch you off guard. Just watch out for the red glow! Phase 3: SPOILERS! When Phase 3 begins, the Serpent sinks the ship with a lightning bolt and the gameplay transitions from Run N' Gun style to a Plane level style! This is definitely the most chaotic and difficult phase of this fight, so good luck! I can't actually give a position to stand still in during this phase since you have to move constantly, but the best option is usually around the top half of the left side of the screen, using the Arc Shot for massive health drain. This phase has a whole lot of stuff, Chomps, Chomp Fake Outs, Eyeball Lasers, Bonefish, Captain Floppy, Torpedo Tony, and Zorpedo Zeffery. Chomp: The Serpent will quickly glance up or down before going in that direction and lunging across the screen to bite you. Just stay away from the area he's looking at. Chomp Fake Outs: The Serpent will look either up or down, but his eye will have a yellow star and a "!" sound will play. When this happens, he will try to fake you out and bite the part of the screen he did NOT look at. If you see him moving slowly, follow him, and wait there until he quickly switches position and goes for a bite. Eyeball Lasers: Probably the easiest attack in this phase, just lure the eyeball to shoot near the top or bottom of the screen and shrink to dodge out of the way. Bonefish: Bonefish will constantly spawn in and just float to the left side of the screen, just try to avoid them and shrink to dodge around or through them if you have to. Captain Floppy: Captain Floppy (the fish with the cowboy hat) will spawn in every now and then and take some shots at Applehead before leaving. The first 5 will always be Torpedo Tonys, and the last one will be a homing Zorpedo Zeffery. Torpedo Tony: These bullets take up a lot of space horizontally, so try to shrink and go between the gaps they create if you need to move around to avoid the Serpent Zorpedo Zeffery: ZZ slowly homes in on Applehead, but does not beeline straight for him, instead slowly turning left or right to attempt to hit him. Simply lure ZZ around in a circle until he gives up and flies away. Good luck with this fight, it's definitely the hardest and most complex one so far!
How To Play
⇦ and ⇨ to Move ⇩ to Crouch ⇪ to Jump, Press and hold ⇪ to jump higher (Press ⇪ while in the air to Parry pink objects!) Hold Z to Shoot, Hold C to aim Up Press X to Smoke Dash in whatever direction you are facing 1, 2, and 3 to switch shot type (1: Pellet Gun, straight line of bullets that does decent damage) (2: Arc Blueberry: Bouncing projectile that has gravity, deals heavy damage but shoots relatively slowly) (3: Corn Chaser: Rapid fire corn kernels that home in on enemies. Deals low damage, but the constant barrage of fast firing bullets usually makes up for missing bullets with other Shot types) Studio with all 6 Applehead Projects (HELPFUL TOOLS IF YOU ARE STUCK:) Press Enter for infinite health Press 8 to instantly start Phase 2 Press 9 to instantly start Phase 3 Press 0 to set the Serpent's health to "1" Press P to set Applehead's health to 1, dunno why YOU would want to do that as a player but I just used it for quickly testing out the Death Screen tips while programming the game HOLD R to quickly reset the battle
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