Top-Mach Mania - With Snick!

Game Introduction

Font By: MightyBubs i want snick back to pizza tower :(

How To Play

Tap/click the screen to navigate menus. Controls (PC): Up arrow/W/Z - Jump X - Lunge (to attack Mini Johns) Down arrow/S - Roll/Dive Right arrow/D - Accelerate Controls (Mobile): Top button - Jump Bottom-right button - Lunge (to attack Mini Johns) Bottom-left button - Roll/Dive Right trigger - Accelerate Snick, In Sage 2019, receive an alert from peppino, that he needs help with the pizza tower. snick, as a hero, run for the pizza tower and your journey starts. Hints: - Mini Johns can only be attacked with a lunge. - Holding jump while attacking an enemy lets you bounce off of them! - Outrunning Pizzaface gives you 250 points! Bestiary: Grounded yellow - Cheeseslime, does nothing Flying yellow - Kentucky Bomber, does nothing Purple - Mini John, lunge to attack them Green - Forknight, Flying Anchovy, and U.F.Olive, you can jump across these Random Event: Pizzaface. Quickly tap the right arrow (PC) or the Accelerate button (Mobile) to get away from him! Credit to the Tour de Pizza team for Pizza Tower, assets, and soundtrack. (allow me to brag, i have been a pizza tower fan 3 years before its release) Music list: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title screen: Tubular Trash Zone Shop: gustavo Settings: hmm look what u done did you found a secret :) Ingame: - It's Pizza Time! - The Death That I Deservioli - Pesto Anchovi - Thousand March Tags: (btw apparently using hashtags limits your project's visibility) pizza tower game games minigame




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