Little Town (MMO ☁) (NEW UPDATE)

Game Introduction

Thanks a lot to Griffpatch for all the amazing tutorials! This game probably wouldn't exist without him, so check out his Youtube channel! Thanks Griffpatch for loving my game! =) Now this world is living with ton of lovely faces! Music: Memories, Adventure and Epic by Benjamin Tissot Art: Spritesheet by Armando Montero Characters by Parabellum Games Also, special Cameo by the ghost in Link's Awakening!

How To Play

New update December 11th -NEW UPDATE You can put your save codes here : Little MMO where you can meet other people, chat and play games on your phone. Move with arrow or WASD. Use your mouse to interact with things. Mobile control also work. Quite short for now and the phone is quite useless right now. Also working to bring interaction between players. OLD UPDATES: (AUGUST 2023) -Cave is now accessible - Night and day system (A Time App will be available soon) Mini Update before vacation: - NPC Profile is shown when talking to them - More speech bubbles - You can now do Small Quest to gain medals! (6 in total) -Friends app is back (Now named online). You can see where is everyone. PERFORMANCE IMPROVED =) (Should not lag anymore) + Mini update (New house + Little tweaks to the game) + Working inventory NEW UPDATE - Added fishing, mining, farming and gathering flowers. (All those features are not completed, but are playable) - Added an inventory (not finished, only showing first 7 items) I know most of the things are not finished, just wanted to have feedback before completing it! - Fixed lot of bug!!! You now need to be close to object to interact with them. Also fixed lot of softlock! It would be hard to list everything! (July 15th) Sorry for lack of new quest =( I actually have done some hard work fixing things and designing things for the future! Here's what new : - You can now see everyone progress in the game so it's easier to help people do their main quest. (It will be important in the future since I can't add chat) - 2 new important NPCs for the future (inside the two houses). They will give you medals by doing things. - Profile is updated with new medals. (July 13th) - You can now save your progress (hope it work well) - Speech bubble update - New stylist south of town - New companion to find - July 12th New area to explore (Forest + House) - A stylist is in town - One more quest! July 11th Main Quest a little bit longer (New companion + 1st achievement) - Phone got updated!!! Friends App Now show everyone online and you can see their profile. -You can also click on other player to see their profile) July 10th - Two NPC added (Old man near the fountain and woman near the graveyard) + New quest - The skeleton is now following Cloud Players (Everyone can see that he is following you) July 9th - Added Emoji!




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