Spider-Man | Scorpion Mayhem

Game Introduction

CREDITS ------------------------------------------------------- Spider-Man and all characters belong to Marvel Help with many systems: @Griffpatch Inspirations: @NemoNaturally @-Cinematic- Music taken from Spider-Man PS4, Spider-Man movies, and youtube SFX taken from Youtube and Freesound.org Thank you to @EnderGamer7777 , Iffy, Queasy, @Lincoln050 and @dylandunlap for suggestions and playtesting- couldn't have done it without you! -------------------------------------------------------

How To Play

CONTROLS (READ BEFORE PLAYING) ------------------------------------------------------- • WASD / ⇧⇦⇩⇨ to move • Q to dodge, Click for web shooters • "E" to hit • Space or click to swing • S or ⇩ to duck • Press "P" to pause and for options menu ------------------------------------------------------- Recommended to be played on computer For better experience go to: https://turbowarp.org/873022902 ------------------------------------------------------- STORY ------------------------------------------------------- Peter Parker, despite being Spider-Man for 6 years, is still learning constantly. After an elaborate breakout involving a dangerous criminal, Spider-Man has to use his wit and strength to survive one of his most dangerous foes yet. ------------------------------------------------------- This game was an idea I had way back in 2021, but it never came to be because I basically had no knowledge of coding. Recently though, while getting ready for Spider-Man 2 (PS5) to come out, I decided that now would be as good a time as ever to finally make this game. It definitely was a technical challenge (sorry the optimization is bad) but I'm happy with the end result, I hope you enjoy! P.S. I made this game specifically so I was able to make sequels, so if you would want that to happen, let me know in the comment section! ------------------------------------------------------- Please do not steal anything in this game without credit Comment any bugs you find and I will fix them Thank you!




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